Happy New Year Everyone!
I pray this New Year brings you blessings, peace and the contentment your heart desires. Speaking of the heart, my book on the heart’s journey through the losses of life will be released this fall by Leafwood Publishers. I am super excited about it and can’t wait to see how God will use it in the hearts and lives of those struggling with loss.
I’ve been really busy this quarter with my counseling practice; expanding Heartline Podcast and my short form feature Consider This. I am also writing for magazines like Kyria (my article will actually come out this year!) Counseling Today and Living Better at 50.
In addition, I have had the privilege of being invited to write for some major players in the Blogosphere like: LifeHack.org, ChangeYourLife.net, GetMotivation.com and ChangeYourLifeChangeYourThoughts.com. I’m doing guest posts for too many to name. I’ll also be doing a regular monthly column for BookFunMagazine and streaming the podcast digitally through their magazine.
I’m committed to continue bringing you relevant content in 2013 that will inspire you, teach you, move you to change, make you think, challenge you spiritually and help you with matters of the heart. If you have topics, guests or any suggestions of how I can better serve you, please drop me a note.
I will be introducing teaching Webinars this year. We have already recorded the first one called, Think This Not That. It will be free when you subscribe. After that, I will be charging a small fee for the seminars to help cover my expenses. I know you’re gonna love these because they have helped so many of my clients walk in freedom that I decided to make these teaching available to everyone.
The other thing I’m doing is breaking into Internet Counseling with Gospel Guidance. Com. You’ll find me there and available a few hours per week.
I’ll be continuing my work on two books already in the works and a new idea I have for a children’s series that I’m hoping to co-author with Rick Osborne.
Heartline News
I’m so excited at how God has blessed us here at Heartline. My producer, John Jewell of JewelltoneMusic.com, is amazing. He’s the one behind the scenes that makes me sound way better than I am.
We are most excited about having Richard Beattie, the media rep from Focus on the Family join us as our official media rep. He has been responsible for getting us sponsors and launching us on Women’s Radio Network with some 2 million listeners.
We want to build our audience on Women’s Radio Network, so if you listen to Heartline, please consider going to www.womensradio.com and listen to us there.
If you like the show, please tell your friends. We have consistently been the number one or two spot on BlogTalkRadio.com. We will also launch this year with Truli Media Group and possibly with WMUZ FM in Detroit.
We will be bringing you some great guests this year on Heartline. We have Dr. John Townsend, Dr. Larry Crabb, Dr. Paul Meier, Dr. Gary Oliver, Dr. Emerson Eggrichs, and many more.
We continue to be contacted by folks who want to share their stories of tragedy and triumph on the show. Story becomes a conduit of hope and healing when shared. A special thank you to all the courageous men and women who have shared a piece of their hearts with us on Heartline.
My short form feature Consider This will be launching on Community Life Radio with Ron Maxwell. We were so blessed to have John Young the announcer from Focus do the intro and outro for us. We are still on 90.5Fm in NC and 90.9FM in Lynchburg.
A HUGE thanks to all of you who have supported us by listening, writing, and sending comments my way. I give all the glory to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and I pray that I can continue to minister to the brokenhearted as God leads.
“The Lord God has given me the tongue of a disciple, that I might sustain the weary one with a word.” Isaiah 50:4
In His Grip